Tenancy Application Questionnaire

This page is intended for applicants that have been asked to complete the Tenancy Application Questionnaire. This process allows you to quickly provide all the information we need to process your application for a tenancy.

Filling in this form will take some time; perhaps 10-15 minutes if you have all the necessary information and documents to hand. You may wish to skim through the questionnaire first and check you have everything you need before proceeding.


Some of the information asked for is personal and we want you to know that we take your privacy seriously and all communication is dealt with in confidence. For more details of our Privacy Policy click here.

If you have any questions regarding the form get in touch with us.


  • One form should be completed by each applicant. An applicant is anyone over the age of 18 intending to reside at the property.
  • Complete the questionnaire as fully as possible. Incomplete answers cause delays. If you have any questions or are concerned about your responses please do ask
  • 2 proofs of identity are required at least one must bear a photograph.
  • Right to Rent. We are obliged to by law carry out Right to Rent checks to establish every applicant's right to remain in the United Kingdom. In most cases this is straightforward but we encourage applicants to verify their status before proceeding.
  • Agency Fees. There no agency fees payable by the tenant for processing an application or the creation of a subsequent Tenancy Agreement
  • References. We use a specialist agency to carry out standard referencing checks. By completing this form you consent to FCC Paragon carrying out all necessary background and financial checks to verify the information submitted and authorise them to make relevant enquiries and to take references to validate the information provided. You authorise FCC Paragon to use the information obtained to compile a report and provide the results directly to Williams Property Management and/or the Landlord. The information obtained will be retained, stored and used by FCC Paragon in accordance with the Data Protection Act or such law intended to supersede it.
  • Soft / Hard copy. For expediency we will initially accept electronically completed and transmitted versions of this form excepting that a hard copy bearing original signature must be received before any formal agreement is reached.

Unique Tenancy Code

Personal details

Please provide an address that you check regularly.

Proof of Identity

We are required to keep copies of documents to prove your identity and current address.
Please attach copies of the following to your application.
You must supply one from EACH of the TWO categoriesNote files can be in PDF, JPG, BMP or PNG format. Maximum file size is 2Mb. Please check before sending.

 Upload file  
 Upload file  

Proposed Occupants

Full name of any others with who you intend to take up a tenancy. Include anyone over the age of 18 intending to reside at the premises & describe their relationship to you. Leave any unnecessary fields blank.

Current Landlord or Agent details

Please complete the details of your current landlord (if you deal directly with them) or the agency that manages your tenancy. If you are currently at home or own your own property please skip to the Employment Details section.

It is important that you include a telephone number and an email address.

Employment Details

If you are Employed...

It will help considerably to expedite the reference process if you contact your referee personally to alert them to the referencing process and request that they provide a swift response to any enquiries.

If you are Self-employed...

Please include basic income information below and we will contact you anything further is required. It can be a more involved process but we are able to assist and give advice where necessary.

Declarations by the Applicant

Please read and select carefully from the following:

Have you or anyone intending to reside at the property...

Are you or any other applicant a smoker or user of 'e-cigarette' or 'vaping' devices? *

Please note carefully: Our Tenancy Agreements forbid the smoking of tobacco-based products in all parts of each property including any communal and external areas. The use of 'e-cigarettes', 'vaping' devices and other related products may also not be used within internal parts of any property.

I confirm that the information supplied is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true. I understand that this information will be verified by fair & lawful means, and that it will be used in the administration of the tenancy agreement, should my application be successful. This information may be verified against some or all of the following: referees supplied on this form, a credit referencing agency and call enhanced search via a 3rd party, who will keep a record of the search, any other relevant internal or external databases, or any other information in support of this application supplied to you for the purpose of my application. Should the application/s be successful I understand that by signing this form any dilapidations remain my responsibility and I agree to pay for any dilapidations on the termination of the contract or upon vacant possession of the property under any circumstances. In the event that I remain in the property, or as a guarantor if applicable, past the agreed initial tenancy period, I understand that it may be necessary to perform a subsequent credit and/or call enhanced ID search, and/or necessary bank validation checks.

I hereby authorise all referees supplied and/or any other which are highlighted during your investigations, to provide the requested information such as income, length of employment etc. The referencing agency may use the information if there is a complaint or legal challenge relevant to this process. Details may be held for the purpose of debt tracing if applicable, relevant to this tenancy. Future applications being referenced by the referencing agency will access this information. The referencing agency may provide, as part of this reference, a quote for contents insurance and may pass some or all of the information collected for this application to the Managing Agent and/or Landlord. It may also pass certain information to 3rd Parties to prevent or detect crime such as fraud or in other ways as permitted by law. All information will be treated as confidential. It is an offence to falsify any information provided on your application form. I understand that if any information within this application is found to be untrue following the tenancy agreement being granted, this may be grounds to terminate said tenancy. This reference application will be processed with your Agents and/or Landlords criteria unique to their requirements and may not be valid for other referencing applications.

Confirm your name in this box as your signature...

You may wish to print a copy of this form before submitting

**Please now check the last box and press "Send your questionnaire"...


Send your questionnaire
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